Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 9 – Stuart


Breakfast – a little more color than looking at the bowl!


Soy Vanilla Latte


Lunch – Tuna wrap and Mr Sqeezy!


Snack – nice and crunchy


Dinner – takeaway greek (ish) salad from Whole Foods


  1. Neat idea to show the packages for a change. I wanted to comment on your blog, however the comment function is down!? Just wanted to say congrats on your first week sticking to the tight plan. It is a lot of work plus taking all those pics...but it's so worth it. And hey, you lost 3lbs??? How awesome is this. Do you see a change in your running yet?

  2. Thanks and thanks for playing!

    To be honest my running is pretty crap right now, I am slammed at work and having to be on the road running at 4:30-5:00 is killing me,I am noticing that it's taking me a long time 2+ miles to get going, no doubt as a result of just waking up and not enough sleep.

    The next few weeks will be interesting, my wife is traveling so I should get a bit more sleep so I will see if that makes a difference...fingers crossed

  3. How does the Cliff Crunch taste? I haven't seen them in Canada yet...... since my injury I haven't really looked though.

    Gotta run.

  4. Stacey, they're pretty good, I'll have a review and giveaway coming soon, stay tuned...
