Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 6-10 - Barb - Catching up

OK I thought I could do it, but it's super hard to post here every day. So here's my weekly catch up post.

I'm doing really well on my week day eating - simple breakfast of plain yogurt and coffee every day.

Lunch - usually my homemade Vegetable Bean Barley or Quinoa Soup and fruit, sometimes a few falafels thrown in there. Most nights, I adapt the meal I make for the boys and eat a meat free meal - sometimes my caloric intake is a little higher than I want tho.

Also I'm often really hungry after school and one small snack isn't enough. I've been finding that if I eat half my dinner calories right after school, and half at dinner time, it's working well for me.

On Friday night, I had the usual steak dinner but I only had a 3-4 oz piece of meat and no baked potato (extra veggies), but I did drink wine and eat too much baguette with butter.

I've had a few treats now and again but not much over all. For the most part, my caloric intake has been around 1600 calories a day. For my height, weight, and activity level, this should enable me to lose 1/2 - 1 lb per week. However, I haven't been burning enough calories this week, so my weight has remained the same. I guess I should be happy that I haven't gained any more weight this week....

Next week's goals

- log my food every single day.
- continue to eat more fruit and vegetables.
- no white bread at all this week.
- eat too large snacks instead of dinner.
- get some aerobic exercise every day.

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